
Nostale sp 4 guide
Nostale sp 4 guide

Restores HP equal to X% of the damage inflicted (max. There is a 100% chance of causing Curse: On attack, there is a X% chance of inflicting Snake Loa's Curse on your opponent: Damage is increased by 30%. Maximum MP is increased by X% and restores X% of your MP. There is a 100% chance of causing First Strike: When you're defending, you heal X% of inflicted damage by reducing MP. There is a 100% chance of causing Attack Magic: Overall attack power is increased by X% of magic defence. There is a 100% chance of causing Snake Venom: On attack, there is a X% chance of inflicting Bleeding on your opponent: There is a 100% chance of causing Bear Strike: When attacking, there is a X% chance of X% additional damage being added by the bear loa. There is a 100% chance of causing Lightning Defence: All resistance is increased by X. There is a 100% chance of causing Blessed Pelt: Below level X there is a X% chance of never getting a bad general effect. There is a 100% chance of causing Thick-Skinned: Absorbs X% of your maximum HP as damage while this effect persists: Grants All Resistance +X There is a 100% chance of causing Bear Stamina: Maximum HP is increased by X % There is a 100% chance of causing Malleable Pelt: When you're defending, damage received from critical hits is reduced by X% per critical hit (max X hits). There is a 100% chance of causing Cower: Damage dealt X%. When you're defending, there is a X% chance of 100% of the damage being reflected at the opponent. There is a 100% chance of causing Spiky Leather: All defences are increased by X%. There is a 100% chance of causing Eagle Claws: When attacking, there is a X% chance of X% additional damage being added by the eagle loa. There is a 100% chance of causing Growing Experience: Damage from critical hits is increased by X% per critical hit (max. Your HP increases by X whenever you dodge. There is a 100% chance of causing Survival Instinct: You have a (missing HP% / 100 * X%) chance of dodging the attack. There is a 100% chance of causing Eye for an Eye: When you receive a critical hit, there is a X% chance of X% being reflected to the opponent. There is a 100% chance of causing Eagle Eye: Hit rate of all attacks is increased by X%.

nostale sp 4 guide

When your're defending, the damage from critical hits is reduced by X%. There is a 100% chance of causing Flying High: Probability to receive critical hits is decreased by X%. The damage from critical hits is increased by X%. There is a 100% chance of causing Piercing Gaze: Chance of inflicting critical hits is increased by X%. There is a 100% chance of causing Swift as the Wind: Movement speed is increased by X. There is a 100% chance of causing Lion Strike: When attacking, there is a X% chance of X% additional damage being added by the lion loa. There is a 100% chance of causing Accurate Strike: There's a X % chance to ignore X% of the target's defence.

nostale sp 4 guide

There is a 100% chance of causing Recuperative Healing: Provides a X% chance to reset the cooldown of the attack skill used. There is a 100% chance of causing Sharp Claws: Increases damage with a probability of X% by X%. There is a 100% chance of causing Strong Attack: All attacks are increased by X. On attack, there is a X% chance of inflicting Fatal Bleeding on your opponent. There is a 100% chance of causing Lion Claws: All attacks are increased by X%.

nostale sp 4 guide

There is a 100% chance of causing Attack Stance: Damage received increased by X%. There is a 100% chance of causing Elemental Blessing: Fairy is increased by X. In order to prevent it from happening, you can use a NosMall item called Tattoo Safeguard Scroll, which costs 50 NosDollars. While upgrading you can come across a major failure, which will make your tattoo level drop by 1. Below you can find a table with all the chances and all the materials needed for upgrades. When you have applied your tattoo, you can start upgrading it. This step as well as all the rest is done by Churisgo, all you need to do is bring her some materials and Gold: When you have created a tattoo pattern, you need to apply it on your character. Increases defence power and the fire element Increases hit rate, evasion and the water element Increases attack power and the light element

Nostale sp 4 guide